Ith tubular atrophy and raised glomerular capillary|BAOTHMAN et al.TA
Ith tubular atrophy and raised glomerular capillary|BAOTHMAN et al.TA B L E 5 The 2D structure and docking power of your bioactive compoundsNo. 1 Name Glycerol ID PCCID: 753 2D…
Ith tubular atrophy and raised glomerular capillary|BAOTHMAN et al.TA B L E 5 The 2D structure and docking power of your bioactive compoundsNo. 1 Name Glycerol ID PCCID: 753 2D…
Subjected to SDSPAGE. Proteins have been then immobilized onto nitrocellulose membranes followed by incubations in major and secondary antibodies. Detection wasMaterials and Methods Cell lines, siRNA and transfectionsDRU2OS as described…